
We are building a portfolio of sustainable products, with a focus on solutions for environmental and safety applications.  As such, we also prioritise products that last and can be maintained, not those that need to be replaced.

Contact us on +44 (0)1726 839 099


For help with your application, call +44 (0)1726 839 909


Level Transmitters

We design products that are built to last, making them maintainable and repairable, reducing the cost of ownership.  We do not create waste by forcing replacement through obsolescence.


Radar (GWR/TDR)

Reed Relay or Float Operated

Hydrostatic Level

Level Switches

Manufactured in the UK for over 50 years our float switches are complimented by a range of electronic level switches with specification options to meet applications and budgets.


Float Switches

Capacitance Probes

Vibrating Switches

Other Level Switches

Level Gauges

From our own low cost, engineered and environmentally friendly solutions to industry leading specifications from Wika (KSR Kuebler and Klinger).  Our gauges provide a safer workplace for operators.


Magnetic Level Gauges and Indicators

Sight Glass Level Gauges

Rail Level Gauges and Indicators

Flow Measurement

A key measurement for energy management, leak detection, process efficiency, operation verification and many more applications that can help improve the impact a business has on the environment.


Instrumentation and control services image

Ultrasonic Flow

Primary Flow Elements

Inline Flow 

Pressure Measurement

Safety applications for pressure measurement include local indication for operators and overpressure monitoring to prevent explosions.  Also used for controlling pressure to minimise energy use.


Pressure Transmitters

Pressure Gauges

Pressure Switches

Pressure Regulating Valves

Temperature Measurement

Temperature measurement is used for calculating energy consumption and plant efficiency.  Controlling temperature minimises energy use, prevents waste and increases safety for staff.


Temperature Gauges

Temperature Switches

Temperature Assemblies and Thermowells


 In addition to our manufactured products we also partner with other specialist suppliers that compliment our beliefs. 


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Contact us to discuss your requirements

Call our customer services on +44 (0)1726 839 909, or if short on time email us by clicking here